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Painting a Picture.

Why is it, when we hear, the first thing we hear, is something negative, or the assumption of such. Why not ask the source for some clarity?

Being raised with the phrase “If you have nothing nice to say, just keep ya mouth shut.”

Can’t expect YOU from other people. You take accountability for the part you play in, no matter the situation.

For others, it’s an entire embodiment of the polar opposite. I try to understand but the second when I’m approached or when someone speaks ill about what you do, etc; shows what that is. True intentions, true colors, true flat out nonsense since they can’t find a hobby for something else that’s productive, is not my focus nor my responsibility.

People will always choose to do what they “feel” is right. Whether it be, doing something heinous, or generous, it’s up to that individual. What we choose to accept or reject is entirely how you respect yourself. Boundaries are amazing my good friend. And the weak will dissolve in their own disappointments from not gaining the pleasures of hurting you.

Stand on your feet. Claim your space because you exist. You’re worth it. And if no one told you, you’re seen, heard, loved, and understood.

For anyone to think less of you, simply doesn’t show the acknowledgment of your existence because they “feel” the need to put you through that, walking on eggshells feeling or the “Oh I need permission to do what I do?!Mentality, I’d throw you across the room. To consciously think little of someone else to have responses, the first thing to come out of their mouth. I sincerely hope you speak to your mother the same way and you get smacked for thinking you’re in the right.

My mentality at this stage of my life, is, if I see your preferred side, meaning actions, words, lack of respect, etc. You simply hold no place in my space of peace. I’ll be as equally cold hearted and quicker with it since, that’s the energy I’m receiving. Rather than a common sense thing would be, Hello, Good day, how are you. NOPE. Apparently, the bare minimum, is too much to ask for. My mistake, shame on me. Never again. Hope you sleep well at night knowing what a shit ass is and can be. Keep thinking you’re better. I was never in competition with anyone other than myself. But what do I know. I’m just me, wanting to evolve on all levels and supporting others whom are from different walks of life; doing their thing in life, & I’m a cheerleader for it cause they deserve it!!! Why not praise it?!

But for those whom think theirs a hierarchy, is beyond me and I simply laugh at you but okay. Whatever you say bub.

Yours truly,


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