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Writer's picture{alexys}

3.2.2020 ~ Life Lesson

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

We all go through obstacles and triggering curve balls life seems to throw at us.

But at the end of the day, it's up to us to choose who we want to be and whom we want to have a part in our lives.

Everything is a choice.

Doesn't matter how you look at it.

Some cases it's people you would think should have your back,

when they clearly show their true colors and throw you under the bus.

It's a ride and a bumpy one if that, showing nothing but your strength and

your truth is more powerful than anything. By keeping your energy and sanity

to which you feel safe, at peace and respected is important. Never forget that!

None of the individuals from the outside pressuring their insecurities to make especially their loved ones; make you feel weak because they can't find a grounding of their own.

That's absurd. No individual should stand nor accept that.

We are only human. And we're struggling to thrive and only have those who say support us in the process of transformation, then there should be nothing but understanding and love for the difference of adapting to a new skill.

No one is born a professional at anything, and I strongly despise an individual who tries to tell me otherwise.

There's a beauty behind not knowing things, or learning a new skill, or going through an obstacle.

It's all how you choose to look at it and perceive it.

For those who are stressed to the maximum and are running out of resources.

For those whom are coping and just not getting anywhere.. I hear you! I'm with you.

I live by this.. "If you want something done, do it yourself."

Having that mindset instead of giving that codependency on individuals that choose to manipulate you because they simply feel like it, doesn't suffice nor is that fair. They didn't have to do anything but when they made that commitment to assist to make you

feel like a human and end up wanting to create things that's not real and you do everything that you can from your heart on your end. To be treated like the faulted one, is definitely not okay.

Especially from close ones...

No one creates nor wants perfection; but respect, honesty and boundaries are another thing. It's a basic principle to life.

Otherwise no one would take you seriously.

Choose wisely on whats best for your life and what energies you'd want in your circle.

Whatever you choose is okay because it's what you choose to tolerate and allow into your life.

Do what you feel is right, from the bottom of your heart. Don't feel bad nor terrible because you did something for you that brings you peace.

Remember, what you allow, you evolve into from your surroundings.

Life is showing you a glimpse of individuals with a multitude of personalities & it's completely up to you to either engage or do what's best for you because it's not worth the energy to drain you for something that could've been prevented.

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