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Writer's picture{alexys}

All To The Feeling.. {2018}

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Woman like you don't happen often, never forget about how rare you are.

- R.H. Sin

Knowing your power is what creates humility, not knowing your power is what creates insecurity.

- ego

I do not know how to love in moderation.

my heart breathes a gentle intensity.

- x

If you want to know his heart, pay close attention to what angers him.

If you want to know his mind, listen for the words that linger in his silence.

If you want to know his soul, look at where his eyes are when you catch him smiling.

- The Universe of Us pg.17

Once when I was running, from all that haunted me to the dark I was succumbing-

to what hurt unbearably.

Searching for the one thing that would set my sad soul free.

- The Universe of Us pg.17

In time I stumbled upon it, an inner calm and peace

and now I am beginning to see and to believe in who I am becoming-

and all I've yet to be.

- The Universe of Us pg.123

Do you think the mind answers to the heart?

The way it keeps conjuring up what is no longer there.

When in love, we swing like a pendulum between the two.

We want the mirage knowing it will never be enough.

But the heart does not have eyes and the mind cannot resist when it asks,

tell me just one more time.

- The Universe of Us pg.131

She walks to earth freely, yet her feet never touch the ground.

Many hands will reach for her, but she cannot be anchored.

She belongs to no one, to nothing, to nowhere.

When you meet her, you will recognize her for who she is-

a free spirit, a wandering star. She will fit in your arms like she was made to be there.

And she will show you what it means to hold something you can never hold on to.

- The Universe of Us pg.133

Remember, your words are your power. Never forget your words.

- The Universe of Us pg.169

I think love is about being your darkest, most destructive self. To be loved, not in spite of this but because of it.

- The Universe of Us pg.193

You can't wage war on love if you don't know your limits.

- The Universe of Us pg.205

He and I collided like two predestined stars and in that brief moment I felt what it was like to be immortal.

- The Universe of Us pg."Back of Book"

The Seven Sutras

1. You are a ripple in the fabric of the cosmos.

Sutra: Aham Brahmasmi (ah-Hum brah-MAHS-MEE)

The core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the universe, the source of all that exists.

-Ask yourself : "Why am I here?"

2. Through the mirror of relationships, I discover my non-local self.

Sutra: Tat Tvam Asi (taht t'vahm AH-see)

I see the others in myself and myself in others.

Sutra Statements for Second Principle:

Imagine that your spirit is not only in you but in all other beings and everything that is.

(tat tvam asi)

Imagine that everybody is a reflection of yourself.

(tat tvam asi)

Imagine that when you look at the universe you are looking at your mirror.

(tat tvam asi)

Imagine that you see what others see.

(tat tvam asi)

Imagine that you can feel what others feel.

(tat tvam asi)

Imagine that you are the qualities you most admire in others.

(tat tvam asi)

Imagine that others reflect the qualities you cherish in yourself.

(tat tvam asi)

Imagine that you are a person in a hall of mirrors where you can see yourself for miles and every reflection you see is of yourself, but appears different.

(tat tvam asi)

3. My inner dialogue reflects the fire of my soul.

Sutra: Sat Chit Ananda (saht chit ah-NAN-dah)

Sutra Statements for the Third Principle:

Imagine that you are centered and totally at peace.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that you are looking at the world with knowingness and peace.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that all beings are your equal.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that you are not affected by flattery or criticism.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that in your presence all hostility is overcome by a profound peace.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that you're detached from the outcome.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that a deeply profound ocean of calm exists in you that is not affected by any turbulence.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that love radiates from you like light from a bonfire.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that you are in love with everything and everybody. Imagine that you are intoxicated with love.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that the right answer comes to you spontaneously, whenever you are confronted by any question.

(sat chit ananda)

Imagine that you know exactly what to do in every situation.

(sat chit ananda)

4. My intentions have infinite organizing power.

Sutra: San kalpa (sahn-KAL-pah)

Sutra Statements for the Fourth Principle:

Imagine that the whole universe is a vast ocean of consciousness, and your intentions shoot out from within your heart and ripple across the vast ocean of consciousness.

(san kalpa)

Imagine that your intention is orchestrating the infinite activity of the universe, counterbalancing the whole ecosystem.

(san kalpa)

Imagine that your intention can heal those who are not well.

(san kalpa)

Imagine that your intention can bring joy and laughter to those who are in sorrow.

(san kalpa)

Imagine that you can bring success to those who are failing.

(san kalpa)

Imagine that you can bring strength to those who feel weak and fearful.

(san kalpa)

Imagine that you can bring hope to those who are feeling hopeless.

(san kalpa)

Imagine that your thoughts affect the natural forces of the universe, that you can bring rain and sunshine, clouds and rainbows.

(san kalpa)

Imagine that every thought you have, every word you utter, every deed of yours brings some benefit to the world.

(san kalpa)

5. I am emotionally free.

Sutra: Moksha (Moke-Shah)

Sutra Statements for the Fifth Principle:

Imagine that you are without physical form, a field of awareness everywhere at all times.


Imagine that you have left behind forever any sense of anger or resentment.


Imagine that you are free from blaming free feeling blame and guilt.


Imagine that you are never drawn into melo drama or hysteria.


Imagine that you can choose any emotional feeling you want to experience.


Imagine that you can set any goal you want to achieve and actually achieve it.


Imagine that you are free of your habitual compulsions and patterns of behavior.


Imagine that you are free of any addictions.


Imagine that you never participate in any gossip.


Imagine that you are free to respond at the highest level, no matter what the situation is or how anyone else behaves.


Imagine that there are no limitations to what you can manifest.


Imagine that you can see infinite possibilities at all times.


6. Celebrate the Dance of the Cosmos.

Sutra: Shiva-Shakti (SHE-van SHOCK-tee)

"I am giving birth to the gods and goddesses inside me; they express all their attributes and powers through me."

Sutra Statements for the Sixth Principle:

Imagine that you a shape-shifter


Imagine that you can be both masculine and feminine if you choose.


Imagine that you are strong, decisive, courageous, articulate and powerful.


Imagine that you are beautiful, sexual, intuitive, nurturing and affectionate.


Imagine that you are as stable as a mountain.


Imagine that you are as flexible as the wind.


Imagine that you are an angel with wings.


Imagine that you are an enlightened being with infinite compassion.


Imagine that you are a divine being of God playing in celestial realms.


Imagine once again that you are a shape-shifter, that you can become any animal, any bird, any insect, any plant or even a rock.


Imagine that all mythical beings reside in you, although there are some that are your favorite archetypes.


Imagine that you can become the heroes and heroines you most admire.


7. Accessing the Conspiracy of Improbabilities

Sutra: Ritam (REE-tahm)

"I am alert, awake to coincidences and know that they are messages from God. I flow with the comic dance."

Sutra Statements for the Seventh Principle:

Imagine that you move in rhythm with the impulses of a conscious universe.


Imagine that you dance to the rhythm of the universe.


Imagine that your body's rhythms are in perfect order.


Imagine that your body is a symphony.


Imagine that you are the harmony of the universe.


Imagine that every time you seek something, the universe provides clues in the form of coincidences.


Imagine that there is a connection between what happens in your dreams and what happens in your working life.


Imagine that you are transforming and evolving into a higher being.


Imagine that there is meaning and purpose to everything that happens and everything you do.


Imagine that you have a contribution to make to the world.


Imagine that life is full of coincidences.


Imagine that you notice what others may not notice.


Imagine that you see the hidden meaning behind events.


Imagine that you have unique talents that you use to serve and help others.


Imagine that all your relationships are nurturing and playful.


Imagine that you delight in play and humor.


Living Synchrodestiny

Q: If you knew what miracles could happen, what miracles would you wish for?

~How to Move through the stages of Consciousness~

-Daily Meditation

-Practice Recapitulation

-Nurturing Relationships

-Reading the Sutras

~A Return to Love~

Reflections on the principles of A Course in Miracles

  • Only love is real "God is not the author of fear, you are."

  • Love is real. It's an eternal creation and nothing can destroy it.

  • Anything that isn't love is an illusion.

  • Remember this, and you'll be at peace.

  • Love in your mind produces love in your life. This is the meaning of Heaven.

  • Fear in your mind produces the fear in your life. This is the meaning of Hell.

  • Closing our hearts destroys our peace because its alien to our nature. It warps us and turns us into people we're not meant to be.

  • "Again - nothing you do or think or wish or make is necessary to establish your worth.

  • The perfect you isn't something you need to create, because God already created it. The perfect you is the love within you. Your job is to allow the Holy Spirit to remove the fearful thinking that surrounds your perfect self, just as excess marble surrounded the Michelangelo's perfect statue.

  • Without love, we have no wisdom. To surrender to God means to let go and just love.

  • We need love in order to live happily, as much as we need oxygen in order to live at all.

  • If you dig deep enough into your mind, and deep enough into mine, the picture is the same: at the bottom of it all, what we are is love.

  • Love is energy, an infinite continuum. Your mind extends into mine and into everyone else's. It doesn't stay enclosed within your body.

  • The ego is quite literally a fearful thought.

  • Notion of a small, separated self.

  • False belief about ourselves, a lie about who and what we really are.

  • Our neurosis, living that lie is a terrible anxiety.

  • The ego is like a virus in the computer that attacks the core system.

  • The ego is our self-love turned into self-hatred.

  • The ego is like a gravitational force field, built up over eons of fearful thinking, which draws us away from the love in our hearts.

  • The ego is our mental power turned against ourselves.

  • It is clever, smooth-talking, like we are and manipulative.

  • What we give to others, we give to ourselves. What we withhold from others, we withhold ourselves.

  • Any moment when we choose fear instead of love, we deny ourselves the experience of paradise. The extent that we abandon love, to that extent we will feel it has abandoned us.

  • "The Holy Spirit is the call to awaken and be glad."

  • The power of the mind is itself neutral.

  • We are personally responsible for what direction we apply it in.

  • Taking responsibility for our lives, then means taking responsibility for our thoughts. And praying to God to "save" our lives, means praying for Him to save us from our own negative thoughts.

  • Since only God exists and everything else is an illusion, then the effects of lovelessness are only happening within the ego's hallucination. The word "sin" means loveless perception. It's an archery term. Meaning "you missed the mark."

  • He doesn't want to punish us, but to heal us. The way He heals us is through a force of consciousness called the Holy Spirit.

  • As perfect love, God corrects all mistakes the moment they occur. He couldn't force us back to love, because love doesn't force. It does however, create alternatives. The Holy Spirit is God's alternative to fear.

  • The Holy Spirit was God's answer to the ego.

  • The Holy Spirit is "the great transformer of perception."

  • God can't force his way back into our thinking, because that would be violating our free will. The Holy Spirit is a force of consciousness within us that "delivers us from Hell" or fear, whenever we consciously ask Him to, working with us on the Causal level, transforming our thoughts from fear to love. He comes to us in many forms, from a conversation with a friend to a serious spiritual path; from a lyric in a song to an excellent therapist. He is the inexorable drive toward wholeness that exists within, no matter how disoriented or crazy we get. Something within us always longs to go home, and He is that something.

  • The purpose of life is to grow into our perfection.

  • Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just don't know it.

  • "Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all."

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