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All To The Feeling {2019}

Updated: Sep 10, 2021

All these entries are what resonated with me on a personal level and I would like to share these with you. Enjoy!


Today I Release..

toxic thoughts and emotions,

unhealthy environments,

unfruitful relationships,

thoughts of revenge and unforgiveness,

thoughts of envy and strife,

negative words I spoke about others,

negative words I spoke about myself.

I let it go today, right now and I live a life filled with love, peace and freedom.


Fall in love with taking care of yourself.

Fall in love with the path of deep healing.

Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience with compassion & respect to your own journey.

- S. McNutt


Self Love


1. Write yourself a love letter

2. Make a list of 10 things you're grateful for

3. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers

4. Re-read your favorite book

5. Create a vision board of your dreams


1. Have a pamper sesh & treat yourself

2.Take a 30-min walk in nature

3. Take a long relaxing bubble bath

4. Try relaxing yoga or workout

5. Nourish your body with a healthy home-cooked meal


1. Create loving, positive affirmations for yourself

2. Slow-down, be present and mindful

3. Make a list of 10 things you love about yourself

4. Unplug from any tech for a day

5. Meditate


When the right spirit walks in, the wrong spirits get nervous.

James 2:19


Feb. 3. 2019

An abundance of love is available to me at all times.


Children are not a distraction from more important work.

They are the most important work.

- C.S. Lewis


I AM ready to be showered with brand new blissful miracles!


I love myself. I acknowledge that I am filled with God's love and light. I am an infinite being that knows no death. I honor the life I have on this planet and humbly ask to know my higher purpose in being here. I open my heart to serve in the highest spirit of divine love.


Feb. 4. 2019

You can rise up from anything.

You can completely recreate yourself.

Nothing is permanent.

You're not stuck.

You have choices.

You can think new thoughts.

You can learn something new.

You can create new habits.

All that matters is that you decide today and never look back.


Feb. 8. 2019

To find peace, you have to be willing to lose your connection with people, places, and things that create all the noise.

-Knowledge of Self

"Life becomes more peaceful when you eliminate toxic people and habits from your life."


Feb. 16. 2019


It's all about mindset, from the moment you wake up,

to the moment you rest your head at night.

Everything is up to you.

Your emotions,

your thoughts,

your perception,

your reactions.

Every moment.



Feb. 20. 2019

I'm proud of myself and my achievements.

Manifesting the love I want

Manifesting the career I want

Manifesting the happy I want


Feb. 25. 2019

You're getting ready to see miracles, breakthroughs and turnarounds


Your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you.


Excuses are -

for people who don't want it bad enough.


Always forgive

and sleep with

a clean heart.


Your mind is your instrument.

Learn to be its master and NOT its slave.


Feb. 27. 2019

Impress people with your soul, not the things you have.

- The Mindset Journey


Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me.

- Life Coach


Your capacity to lead is directly related to your capacity to trust God.

- Kris Vallotton


I am blessed...


March 4. 2019

888 - "The Balance"

Abundance is coming your way through various opportunities.

Money will be flowing your way. Manifesting power is high.

444 - "The Protection"

Listen to your intuition. you are surrounded by love and support.

Be fearless.

666 - "The Step-back"

Take a step back to rethink it and ask yourself is what your doing right/wrong

777 - "The Inner Strength"

Release all fear, be strong at heart; look forward to the future with excitement when you see this number.

333 - "The Equilibrium"

Mind, body and spirit; focus on all three aspects; don't neglect one for the other; when you see this number.

222 - "The Right One"

Right place, right time; trust in what you want; Don't think of things you don't want when you see this number.

999 - "The Wrap up"

Time to start a new journey.

Wrap up lose ends, let go of what does not serve you, prepare for the next level when you see this number.


Apr. 15. 2019

Find three hobbies you love;

One to make you money,

one to keep in shape,

lastly, one to be creative


Keep going.

No matter what you do, no matter how many times you screw up and think to yourself "there's no point to carry on", no matter how many people tell you that you can't do it.

Keep going. Don't quit.

Don't quit, because a month from now you will be that much closer to your goal then you are now. Yesterday you said tomorrow.

Make today count.


Be mindful,

extremely selective and very intentional about the people you allow in your life.

Not enough people are talking about how life-altering this is.

- S. Mcuutt


Apr. 17. 2019

Silence is better than unnecessary drama.





You are UNIQUE

You are KIND


You are LOVED


"To the extent that we stop struggling against uncertainty and ambiguity, to that extent we dissolve our fear. The synonym for total fearlessness is full enlightenment-wholehearted, open minded interaction with our world."

- The places that scare you! - Pema Chodron


Apr. 18. 2019

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.

Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you, so you can become who you were meant to be in the first place.


A few nice words can help a person a lot more than you think.


"Some days I woke up & got out of bed and brushed my teeth like any normal human being; some days I woke up & lay in bed and looked at the ceiling and wondered what the hell the point was of getting out of bed & brushing teeth like any normal human being."

-Ned Vizzini

It's kind of a funny Story


Apr. 22. 2019

When I get lonely these days, I think:


Learn your way around loneliness.

Make a map of it.

Sit with it, for once in your life.

Welcome to the human experience.

But never again use another person's body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings.

- Elizabeth Gillbert


I can see your heart in everything you've done.

Every part designed in a work of art called love.


Apr. 27. 2019


Perhaps, you were made for this moment to walk through blazing fire & come forth as gold.


The Law of Receiving

We must give in order to receive.

However, we need to let go & not being attached to what we want to receive too obsessively. We need to trust the universe will somehow give us what we want & all we need to do is to be ready to receive it. How much we receive will be limited by how much we allow it.


Spend time doing what feeds your soul.

- Frida Kahlo


Apr. 30. 2019

"I have no desire to fit in. No plans to walk with the crowd. I have my own mind, heart & soul.

I am ME & it has taken me years to realize how important that is."

- R.M drake


7 Steps Toward A Better You!

We ALL want to grow & become the best versions of ourselves, but we often don't know where to start...Here are seven steps to help you lead a life you'll love!

1. Future Focused:

Don't dwell on your past.

2. Feel All Emotions:

Allow yourself to feel & work through difficult times.

3. Set Boundaries:

Don't create unnecessary drama in your life.

4. Commit to Healthier Habits:

Practice self-care to avoid burnout.

5. Practice Gratitude:

Replace your usual complaints with expressions of gratitude.

6. Cultivate Generosity:

Step outside of yourself & cultivate a spirit of generosity.

7. Give yourself Grace:

Stop being so hard on yourself . The key to grow is to give grace to who you already are.



When you face difficult times,

know that challenges are not sent to destroy you.

They're sent to promote, increase & strengthen you.


May. 2. 2019

"I think everything in life is art.

What you do. How you dress.

The way you love someone, and your personality.

What you believe in, and all your dreams.

The way you drink your tea.

How you decorate your home.

Or party.

Your grocery list.

The food you make.

How your writing looks.

And the way feel.

Life is art."

- Helena Catter



Changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter, and applying the element of love to create a desired result.

- The Minds Journal


I think true love is when two people make each other love themselves more.

- faraway


May. 6. 2019


You have a very strong & clear connection with the angelic realm and are asked to use it to your advantage and for the benefit of others.



Is karmic number that is associated with abundance, wealth, money, financial stability, windfall and good fortune.


God is putting an expiration date on your struggle. This too shall pass.


Take care of your thoughts when you are alone, and take care of your words when you are with people.

- One Good Quote


Define yourself

Talk to yourself

Listen to yourself

Breathe in yourself

Project yourself

Establish yourself

Look at yourself

Judge yourself

Teach yourself

Cleanse yourself

Enlighten yourself

Improve yourself

Fix yourself


Law of Sacrifice - 9

The law of sacrifice is to give up something that is of a lower nature for something of a higher nature.

For example:

In order to enjoy extraordinary success in life, we have to sacrifice our time, put in the effort & be disciplined to work for what we want to achieve. We have to be persistent & preserver to work on what we want in order to achieve it.

- Universe Laws


May. 31. 2019

When thinking about life, remember this;

No amount of guilt can change the past

And no amount of anxiety can change the future.

- Unknown


"You cannot raise your children as your parents raised you for a world that no longer exists."


Our thoughts & feelings,

have an electromagnetic reality. Manifest wisely.


"As you think, so shall you be."

- William James


Law of Abundance:

"The Law of Abundance is trust in universal supply & the belief that because there is plenty. There is more than enough to take care of us as we go through life.

You are here to be beautiful, powerful individuals, living the life of your dreams. At your soul level, abundance is the only way you know."


If they were meant to be in your life, nothing could ever make them leave.

If they weren't, nothing in the world could make them stay.

- lang leaz


Jun. 4. 2019


Every time I witness a strong person, I want to know what dark did you conquer in your story?

Mountains do not raise without earthquakes.

- Katherine Mackenett


Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs:

The future can be better than the present

& I have the power to make it so.


"Give people time.

Give people space.

Don't beg anyone to stay.

Let them roam.

What's meant for you will always be yours."

- Reyna Biddy


My soul is connected to the abundance of the universe.


"When you least expect it, something great will come along.

Something better than you ever planned for. Be patient. Be smart. Stay focused."


Day of 155 of 365

God is doing something groundbreaking just for you.

Keep moving forward!


Jun. 18. 2019

Don't be surprised how fast the universe moves once you've decided.


Angel No. 1234

A message from your Guardian Angel:

You have much potential, still within you.



Trust that everything is working out exactly as it should be.

Let go of fear & doubt. Have faith in Divine Timing.



Divine messages from the universe for all.

Received by those with the eyes to see,

the ears to hear & the consciousness to know.

- Mynzah



Lean upon the positive & loving energies of the ascended masters who surround you right now, as they're lifting your thoughts to higher levels of happy living.


We repeat what we don't repair.

- Christine Langley Obaugh


Spiritual Connections:

{Twin Flame}

Someone you share the same soul with. Breathtaking connection, filled with synchronicities.

Everything about yourself that you have been running from is suddenly in front of you.

{Soul Mate}

Instant connection.

Feel like you've known them before.

Usually an easy relationship. Typically the one you marry. Teaches you self-love.

{Karmic Partner}

Not an easy relationship; yet really hard to let go.

Brought together to learn a lesson you failed to master in a previous lifetime.


I have a happy personality with a heavy soul. Sometimes, it gets weird.


Jun. 23. 2019

555 -

Let go of things that no longer serve you to make room for massive change.

Exciting new journeys ahead.

777 -

You are in perfect alignment & ready to receive.

Keep an eye out for universal offerings and opportunities that seem to appear out of nowhere. These have been sent for you.



Doesn't mean not caring. It's taking care of yourself first and letting others take responsibility for their actions without trying to save or punish them.


You become a master of your life when you learn to control where your attention goes.

Value what you give your energy and time to.


An ancient memory and a future responsibility were placed deep within you before coming into this world.


Jun. 30. 2019

The universe is saying to you today:

"Positive news or information about forthcoming changes is on its way & something of significance is coming to an end or conclusion in your life. You are starting a new page in your life. Trust yourself more."


July. 1-31. 2019

God will bless you.

God will heal you.

God will protect you.



Let go of the things that no longer serve you to make room for massive change.

Exciting new journeys ahead.



A sign that your manifestation power is at its peak. Be sure to keep your thoughts positive when receiving 111 energy.

You are creating a fresh beginning.


Animal Symbolism:

Crane: Peace, happiness, recovery, love, prosperity.

Stands for freedom, intelligence, good fortune, longevity, long-lasting marriage and maternal love.


July. 16. 2019

When you naturally have a healing aura,

you attract a lot of damaged people & having them in your life could drain energy to the max.

A reminder that it's not your job to heal everyone that enters your life.

- The Minds Journal



When information comes to mind suddenly without logic, without prior knowing, without reasons or even memory. It is just a certain and strong knowing. There is no room for doubt, it just is what it is.

- The Minds Journal


{Symptoms of Enlightenment}

"According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indicates that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light."


Aug. 28. 2019

Your son is watched over and protected as he explores his world.


Get up every morning & tell yourself "I can do this"


"The person you'll have the hardest time opening to & truly loving without reserve is yourself. Once you can do that, you can love the whole universe unconditionally."

- Adyashanti


The greatest prison people line in, is the fear of what other people think.


Attract what you expect.

Reflect what you desire.

Become what you respect.

Mirror what you admire.


Until Jesus is enough for you, no person, place or thing will ever be.


The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.

- Dhara


Your reason for being is imprinted in who you are.

It is what you love, what intrigues you, what pains you, what you're great at, what you've been through. There is no mystery here, nothing is by accident. You only need to put the pieces together to see that your entire life has been preparing you for your ultimate destiny.

So should you choose to take it?

Your path is a reflection of who you most essentially are.

Once you get familiar with what you like, what you care about, what you do best, what you want to change & how you want to make others feel, you will become an unstoppable force.

If you are alive, you have purpose.


It's been in plain sight all along.

-brianna wiest


To me,

you will

be unique

in all

the world.


Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success & love; it will all come back to you in abundance.


"To love at all is to be vulnerable."

-C.S Lewis


Sept. 1. 2019

Wounded Inner Child

-plays the victim role

-insecure with self

-needs external validation

-afraid to be alone

-easily triggered

-always very serious

-looks for the negative

-filled with stress & worry


Healed Inner Child

-takes ownership

-feels confident & secure

-validated by self

-enjoys aloneness

-calm & understanding

-creates joy & happiness

-finds the positive

-filled with light & love


Be yourself.

People do not have to like you,

and you don't have to care.

-Everyday Power


Clarify the Problem.

When you feel anxious or unsettled, it's often because you haven't clearly identified what's bothering you.

Pinpoint the issue.

Be precise.

If you don't define your problems, they will seem bigger than they actually are.

Your brain is great at dealing with immediate threats in the environment, not vague anxieties about the past & future. Make your problems concrete and let your brain do what it does best.

-The Mindset Journal : Ruben Chavz-


Don't let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden


Sept. 6. 2019

My dear, stop thinking & speaking badly about yourself.

You are deserving, worthy, AWESOME, stunning, enough & powerful.

Don't allow your negative thoughts to tell you otherwise.



Remind yourself of what you've been able to overcome. All the times you felt like you weren't going to make it through, you proved yourself wrong. You're more powerful than you think.

-Daily Affirmations


{End of week Check-in}

i feel.. --> i need.. --> i forgive.. --> i celebrate.. --> i release.. --> i trust.. -->



You'll have,

good days,

bad days,

overwhelming days,

too tired days,

I'm AWESOME days,

I can't go in days.

And everyday you'll still show up.

-Mutu sytem


You can rise up from anything.

You can completely recreate yourself.

Nothing is permanent.

You're not stuck. You have choices.

You can think new thoughts. You can learn something new.

You can create new habits.

All that matters is that you decide today & never look back.



Appreciate where you are in your journey, even if it's not where you want to be.

Every season serves a purpose.


Be such a beautiful soul; people crave to be around you.


9. 8. 19


Doing what's best for me, so I can be better for myself & the people I love.



"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."

-Mother Teresa


"You have this incredible way of making my heart happy!"


Sept. 28. 2019

Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will.


It all begins and ends in your mind.

What you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it.


You are NOT your thoughts.


Nov. 4. 2019

If you want to be good at something, you must first be willing to be bad at it.


Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about unbecoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.


"It's okay to be scared. Being scared means you're about to do something really, really brave."

-Good Morning Quote


"Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it."

-Sunday Chapter


A woman who creates a full, happy life on her own is a lot more inviting than one who looks to a man to create it for her.

- Mandy Hale -


Nov. 10. 2019

"I was not made to give up."

- The Soul & Book Club


Don't chase people.

Be an example.

Attract them.

Work hard & be yourself.

The people who belong in your life will come find you and stay.

Just do your thing.

-Everyday Power


"I think you are doing a beautiful job figuring out some heavy shit."


Amy Turn Sharp


By watching our thoughts without acting on them we develop the skill of distinguishing valuable thinking from old repetitive programming.


Reacting is instinctual. Responding is a conscious choice. The goal is to become aware of the initial reaction, think and choose a response.

-Jason Garner


May you always be the one who sees the light in the little things.



Find solutions, not excuses.

-The Soul & Book Club


Nov. 19. 2019

You don't have to go after anything. Everything you want is coming to you.

-Abraham Hicks


I think something people need to understand is that others disliking you is not a bad thing. When you are embodying your true authentic self, it creates fear in people who still operate from their ego. If you want to let go of wanting to be liked.

-The Minds Journal


"Friends & good manners will carry you where money won't go."

-Margaret Walker


Nov. 20. 2019

"Observe don't absorb."


"I will never be that friend who rings you everyday but I will always be that friend you can rely on when your world collapses."

-The Minds Journal


"You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say."

-Paul Coelho

"The Alchemist"


"Your mind must arrive at the destination before your life does."

-Vybe Source


An apology without change is just manipulation.

Read that again.


"Everyone you meet has a part to play in your story. And while some may take a chapter, others a paragraph, and most will be no more than scribbled notes in the margins.

Someday, you'll meet someone who will become integral to your life, you'll put their name in the title."

-Love Quotes


Nov. 26. 2019

Your time is coming.

All that hard work you've been putting into your dreams will pay off.

Everything is ready to happen for you.

Believe that!



If someone truly loves you, no matter how many people they meet, their feelings for you would never change. A real lover cant't be stolen.



9393 Angel No.

As most other angel numbers, 9393 is also a symbol if love & it will remind you how important is to love someone & to be loved. This number is telling you that love is everywhere & your angels will help you recognize it. You will not be happy until you let love enter your heart.

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You are building the foundation for your dreams that will also benefit those in your family as well future generations.

. . . . . . .


Your time is coming, It's about to happen for you.

So many breakthroughs.

So many blessings.

Keep believing, keep praying & watch your life change for the better.

. . . . . . .


Change is incoming and while it may be intense, it is for your highest good. You can even enjoy it if you actively frame the experience positively.

. . . . . . .


A new beginning coming soon for you. You are in a position to reinvent yourself in the image of all that you desire.

# # # #

Exciting opportunities are waiting for you when you create & maintain a better state of physical health.


Nov. 27. 2019

If nothing else, some people just teach you

how not to be...



The goal is to laugh forever with someone you take serious.


Staying positive doesn't mean you're happy all the time. It means that even on hard days, you know that there better ones coming.

-Walts of the Flowers


Your own soul is your guru,

quiet the mind & listen to your higher self.


What a beautiful thing it is, to be able to stand tall and say...

"I fell apart, & I survived."


Nov. 29. 2019

"We are all taught to practice self-love, but the crucial point is we've got to earn it.

Take responsibility for your poor habits and work to overcome them.

Be someone you can depend on, trust in, admire someone you can feel genuinely charmed to wake up to each morning. Set the same standards for your self-love as you would for the love of another; back your words and promises with positive action."

-Beau Taplin



Dec. 7. 2019

"The finest soul's are those who gulped pain & avoided making others taste it."



"Every problem is a challenge that's going to help me grow, and is going to shape me into a better person."

-Kanjun Qiu


:7 Rules of Life:

1. Make peace with your past, so it doesn't affect the present.

2. What others think of you is none of your business.

3. Time heals almost everything, give it time.

4. Don't compare your life to other's & don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

5. It's alright not to know all the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.

6. You are in charge of your happiness.

7. Smile. You don't own all the problems in the world.


"The possibilities are limited only by our imagination & determination and not by the physics."

-Mike Puke


"Don't be surprised if you find yourself becoming more intuitive, more aware of spirit's presence, or more powerful in your own healing practices."


Stay so busy, that you don't have time to be a pendeja/o.

- Viva La Bonita


Pendejas won't get you closer to your dreams, entertaining pendejos won't get you closer to your dreams, acting like a pendeja won't get you closer to you dreams....

Shall I keep going?


12. 12. 2019

We all have a bag. We all pack differently. Some of us are traveling light. Some of us are secret hoarders who's never parted with a memory in our lives. I think we are all called to figure out how to carry our bag to the best of our ability. How to unpack it, and how to face the mess. I think part of growing up is to learn to sit down on the floor with all your things and figure out what to take with you and what to leave behind.

- hannah brencher


Get in the habit of asking yourself; Does this support the life I'm trying to create?


Your worst battle is between what you know & what you feel.

- The Good Vibe


12. 22. 2019

Decide what kind of life you actually want.

Then say 'no' to everything that isn't that.



Inconsistency is unattractive as hell. How are you gonna treat someone like they mean something to you one day then act like they don't exist the next.

. . . . . . .

Sometimes you just have to stay silent because no words can explain what is going on in your mind and heart."

-Quotes About Everything


:Check Yourself:

Sometimes you are the toxic person. Sometimes you are the mean, negative person you're looking to push away. Sometimes the problem is you. And that doesn't make you less worthy. Keep on growing. Keep on checking yourself. Keep on motivating yourself. Mistakes are opportunities, look at them and move on. Do better, be better. You're human. It's okay.

- The Minds Journal


"Some of the kindest souls I know have lived in a world that was not so kind to them. Some of the best human beings I know have been through so much at the hand of others, and they still love deeply, they still care.

Sometimes, it's the people who have been hurt the most, who refuse to be hardened in this world, because they would never want to make another person feel the same way they themselves have felt. If that isn't something to be in awe of, I don't know what is."

- Bianca Sparacino

"The Strength in our Scars"


"Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul."



You're not stuck.

You're just committed to certain patterns of behavior because they helped you in the past. Now those behaviors have become more harmful than helpful. The reasons why you can't move forward is because you keep applying an old formula to a new level in your life.

Change the formula to get to a different result.

-Emily Margutian

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