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Writer's picture{alexys}

Note To Self.

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

August 15, 2020

Happiness is an attitude.

We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.

The amount of work is the same.


Taking care of your body is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself.



Ignore people who threaten your joy. Literally, ignore them. Say nothing.

Don't invite any parts of them into your space.

-Alex Elle |


Don't be afraid to start over. This time you're not starting from scratch, you're starting from experience.


Conscious Quote Of The Day:

When you think about yourself at this time last year it has a feel to it like you're thinking about a completely different person. That's because you've grown in all areas of your life and your frequency is matching even greater things now. Rarely you are given credit for the amount of personal work you put in, but the Universe wants you to know it's seen your sacrifices. You are about to reach new heights as we head deeper in the second half of 2020.



Until We

have met ourselves, we will keep trying to slay them in the outer world, For all darkness in the world stems from darkness in the heart. And it is there we must for our work.

-Marianne Williamson


August 24, 2020

There's no enemy outside our soul.

The real enemies live inside us: ANGER, Ego, Greed, and Hate.


"Love is when you sit beside someone doing nothing yet you feel perfectly happy."




Embrace Your Placement.

We can't always choose what season of life we're in,

but we can determine what we do while we're there.

-Not So Small Talk



Trust Your Journey.

No matter how many detours we take or delays we encounter,

we will always be led back where we're meant to be.

-Not So Small Talk



Affirm Truth.

Allow your voice to influence your reality.

-Not So Small Talk


Run Free, My Love.

"Don't ignore that little part of you that tells you to keep going -

the little voice in your head that's strong and believes in you even when you are doubting yourself.

Don't run from that beautiful, vulnerable part of you. That's the part that will lead you to great adventures and magical opportunities. Let that little voice speak louder -

you have too much passion and determination to hide your gift from the world.

Show yourself what you are capable of, run free my love, unleash your beauty on this world and don't stop until that burning fire inside your soul feels proud."



September, 1, 2020

Be mindfully aware of what you're doing, how you are doing, and work to maintain a balance.

The more completely you can be yourself, the more fully and consciously you participate in the world.

-Supreme Vibes


Your life is driven by your state of mind, a calm mind will always create a peaceful life.

You no longer have to chase happiness when you are calm from within, the happiness follows you like an ever present shadow.

-Unknown | Higher Perspective


"If you can just be yourself, then have to be original because there's no one like you."

-Marc Newson |


I hope you live a life you're proud of.

If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

-F. Scott Fitzgerald


"Pay attention to whom your energy increases and decreases around, because that's the universe giving you a hint of who you should embrace or stray from."

-We Heart It


September 28, 2020

No matter how good you're doing, those sad nights will creep up on you from time to time & that's ok. It doesn't mean all your progress is gone.



Don't listen to criticism from someone you wouldn't seek advice from.

-Homebody Club


How your life feels is more important than how it looks.

-Homebody Club


"Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you a king."

-Bob Dylan


"If anything, I wanted to understand things and then be free of them."

-Bob Dylan


"Some people are so poor all they have is money."

-Bob Dylan


"Don't criticize what you can't understand."

-Bob Dylan


"There is nothing so stable as change."

-Bob Dylan


"If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything."

-Bob Dylan


Refuse to inherit dysfunction.

Learn new ways of living instead of repeating what you lived through.

- Thema Davis


" To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

-Oscar Wilde.



Time will reveal whose loss it truly was.

-Gisselle Gullianna


Whatever you do,

just don't sit still,

constantly grow.



I hope you find a love you don't have to question.

-The Personal Quotes


It won't matter how loud you love,

if the other person isn't listening.

-Angel a.g.


The most beautiful part is,

I wasn't even looking when I found you.




Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation.

-Amadeus Wolfe


There are years that ask questions and years that answer.

-Zora Neale Hurston


"You are beautiful because you let yourself feel, and that is a brave thing indeed."

-Shinji Moon


Lust rushes

but love waits

-Bridgett Devoue


But if you want to get it right this time,

it's going to take all of your heart.



Ask Yourself Often:

Am I observing the situation accurately or am I projecting how I feel onto what is happening?

-Young Pueblo |


You grow from what makes you suffer

-dika agustin


"Nobody is superior,

Nobody is inferior,

but nobody is equal either,

people are simply unique,


You are you,

I am I."



October 19, 2020

Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without needing everyone else's approval.

-Unknown | Bliss


"Look around and see things in the new.

There is beauty everywhere.

It is in everything."



Be authentic.

Speak sincerely.

Listen thoughtfully.

Act compassionately.

And love. Always love.

-Robert Tew \ Bliss


When you change,

don't announce it.

Just bloom.

-Unknown | Bliss


Just be the freaking person who cares more.

Be the person who tries harder, loves stronger, gives more of a sit than all of the half-alive people who surround them.

Be the person who answers their messages, shows up to their commitments and doesn't leave others hanging or guessing at their eternally vague intentions.

If you're sick of the game then stop playing it.

If you're tried of the bullshit, then cut it.

Because the last thing this world needs is one more indifferent person.

If you're the only one left with passion, then use it. Use the hell out of it.

At the end of your life, go out with a bruised-up, worn out heart that gave much and loved too strongly and felt too fiercely. Go out with the certainty that you gave it everything you had and didn't hold anything back.

Go out empty-handed when it comes to should-haves and might-have-beens. Because it's an infinitely more fulfilling way to live than the alternative.

It will always be more honorable to be out in the field getting trampled on than to be on the sidelines feeling superior for never having tried.

-Just Be You


"A long time ago I learned not to explain things to people. It misleads them into thinking they're entitled to know everything I do."

-Lisa Kleypas


"Don't kill flowers growing inside of you for someone who doesn't appreciate the way you bloom."



November 1, 2020

"You cannot make everyone think and feel as deeply as you do. This is your tragedy, because you understand them but they do not understand you."

-Daniel Saint | The Good Quote


Make it simple,

But significant.

-Don Draper



generally see

what they look for

and hear

what they listen for

-To Kill A Mockingbird


If they call it love, but you don't recognize it, it's not the love you need.

-Arch Hades


Feel the feeling, don't become it.

-Arch Hades


How rare it is to find sincere hearts these days.

-Bliss | Resting Places


"If you want to be happy, be."



Make a list for Yourself

Energy Drainers | Energy Givers

Sloppy boundaries Clear boundaries

Overworking Time in Nature

Negative people Taking time off

Fried fatty foods Learning something new

Alcohol Getting creative

Overthinking 2L of water a day

Greens, greens, greens

-The ---- Core


"Everything is a risk, not doing anything is a risk. It's up to you."

-The Personal Quotes



"Stop thinking so hard about everything. Stop over analyzing. Just go. Just do. If it feels right, just go with the flow. If it feels wrong, don't think about it anymore and walk away."

-The Personal Quotes


"Transformation isn't sweet and bright. It's a dark and murky, painful pushing. An unraveling of the untruths you've carried in your body. A practice in facing your own created demons. A complete uprooting before becoming."

-Victoria Erickson, (Author, Edge of Wonder)


"An amazing thing happens when you get honest with yourself and start doing what you love, what makes you happy. Your life literally slows down. You stop wishing for the weekend. You stop merely looking forward to special events. You begin to live in each moment and you start feeling like a human being. You just ride the wave that is life, with this feeling of contentment and joy. You move fluidly, steadily, calm and grateful. A veil is lifted, and a whole new perspective is born."

-Another Daydream | Pinterest


"If you are willing to look at another person's behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all."

-Yogi Bhajan


Do you know what is beautiful?

What is utterly undeniable?

A woman so confident that she doesn't feel the need to compete. That she doesn't belittle others. That she does not judge. A woman who knows her worth is dictated only from within and isn't dependent on anyone but herself. A woman who works to build other up rather than tear them down. One who relishes in the success of her sisters and never, not for a minute, wishes ill upon another. A woman who is in love with every single breath she takes and works to empower others to feel the same.

-Becca Lee


"Be present. Make love. Make tea. Avoid small talk. Embrace conversation. Buy a plant, water it. Make your bed. Make someone else's bed. Have a smart mouth, and quick wit. Run. Make art. Create. Swim in the ocean. Swim in the rain. Take chances. Ask questions. Make mistakes. Learn. Know your worth. Love fiercely. Forgive quickly. Let go of what doesn't make you happy. Grow."

-Paulo Coelho


You're so hard on yourself.

Take a moment.

Sit back.

Marvel at your life:

at the grief that softened you,

at the heartache that wisened you,

at the suffering that strengthened you.

Despite everything,

You still grow.

Be proud

of this.




"True devotion isn't about lavish displays of affection or grand expensive gestures but a consistent, quiet commitment to one another day after day. That's it. Since our existence in the universe is temporary, our time is the most precious thing we have to give."

-Beau Taplin


"What a terrible waste of a life it is to always take the easy path,

to never know what it is to risk everything for what you love."

-Beau Taplin



"You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong."

-Sue Fitzmaurice



Your soul

is attracted to people

the same way flowers

are attracted to the sun.

Surround yourself

only with those

who want to see you grow



You can be healing and still:



-emotionally closed-off

-unclear about which path to take


Healing is not perfection, it's small steps and progress toward becoming you again. Journey with grace through the process.

-Lalah Delia


"Chase purity, chase humility, chase gentleness, chase kindness, chase love, chase life, chase truth."

-We Heart It


"You cannot find peace by avoiding life."

-Virginia Woolf


When joy is a habit,

love is a reflex.

-Bob Goff


Your heart

tells you big things

in little ways...


-Butterflies Rising


"Let me know you."

"What are you talking about?", She replied,

"I've already told you everything there is to know."

I shook my head--

"I'm not talking about your star sign or your favorite colour."

I said, "Give me the good stuff...What makes you tremble. What makes your heart thump. I want the little dark truths you lie about, even to yourself."

-Beau Taplin || Let me know you



"Speak to people in a way that if they died the next day, you'd be satisfied with the last thing you said to them."

And I can't emphasize this enough.



"Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It's your masterpiece after all."

-Visibility Vixen


December 5, 2020

Document the moments you feel the most in love with yourself --

What you're wearing, who you're around, what you're doing.

Recreate and repeat.

-Warsan Shire


"I am working on learning how to be whole and free within myself, to acknowledge my brokenness, manifest my own happiness, and succeed and fail gracefully."

-Bean Taplin | H U M A N


"Patience is, when you're supposed to be mad, but you choose to understand."

-Hailey Baldwin


"A long time ago I learned not to explain things to people. It misleads them into thinking they're entitled to know everything I do."

-Lisa Kleypas, Dreaming of you


Even if you go for it and it doesn't work out, you still win.

You still had the guts enough to head straight into something that frightened you. That type of bravery will take you places.

-The Better Man Project


A relit cigarette never tastes the same and that's all I preach on rekindling old flames.

-Word Porn


When nothing is sure,

everything is possible.



"Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed, and rearranged to relocate us to the place we're meant to be."

-Adrianne Hemenway


We are all just a car crash,

a diagnosis,

an unexpected phone call,

a new found love,

or a broken heart away from becoming a completely different person.

How beautifully fragile are we that so many things can take but a moment to alter who we are for forever?

-Samuel Decker Thompson


I've changed. Irrevocably. Permanently. My soul is richer and my heart is fuller in brokenness than it ever was without. I've learned true despair, and it's made me learn to appreciate true joy.



You're just searching for what you give and that's the hardest part finding a heart that matches your own.

-R.H. Sin


December 14, 2020

The Coolest People I know

  1. Don't respond to negativity

  2. Don't speak poorly about others

  3. Show up on time

  4. Give without expectations

  5. Deliberately optimistic

  6. Don't nitpick or brag

  7. Show gratitude

  8. Have good manners

  9. Make no excuses

  10. Random acts of kindness

-The Good Quote | @farbodsaraf


Bravery is

the audacity

to be unhindered

by failures,

and to walk with freedom,

strength, and hope,

in the face of things unknown.

-Morgan Harper Nichols


Consciousness Equals

Energy =

Love =

Awareness =

Light =

Wisdom =

Beauty =

Truth =


Its all the SAME trip

Its all the SAME

Any trip you want to take leads to the same place


Deep down you know exactly what you're capable of.

There's even moments where you get a glimpse of all the potential you have.

You can get there. You just have to be willing to sacrifice the habits, things, and situations that are standing in the way of your success.



You're spending so much time doubting your own ability and potential that you can't see how many people are inspired by you already.



"I really

just want to

be the warm

yellow light

that pours all

over everyone

I love."

-Inspirational Quotes of the Day


If it lowers your vibration

it's not for you.

That's how you'll know.

-Lalah Delia



(n.) The act of loving the one who loves you; A love returned in full.

-Word of the Day | Hugo House


"I've found that growing up means being honest. About what I want. What I need. What I feel. Who I am."

-Love Quotes


Just because you don't see anything happening doesn't mean God is not working.

-Positive Quotes


"The problem today is people don't cherish good people, they try to use them."

-Bob Marley


"And yet,

you kept going."



it is not about having perfect and kind thoughts all of the time, it is about not feeding the heavy and mean thoughts. literally letting them pass without allowing them to take root and control your actions.

-yung pueblo


December, 18 2020

"Life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you'll never get the same moment twice."

Wattpad | Dreams fade away - 35.H is L O V E


"Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then it's amazing again. And in between the amazing and the awful its ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing; hold on through the awful; and relax and exhale during the ordinary.

That's just living heart breaking, soul healing, amazing, ordinary. awful life. And it's breathtakingly beautiful."

LR Knost


"At the end of the day, you can either focus on what's tearing you apart or what's holding you together."

We Heart It


Maybe some fear love when they haven't faced it before because they weren't loved for the right reasons. Which made them afraid to believe that it was actually real. Since that was never their reality. So when they encountered it they didn't know what to do.



"Stop worrying and the solution will appear."

Abraham Hicks


"It's silly, isn't it? You could be surrounded by the people who love you, but think about the ones who don't."



December, 26 2020

You gotta know how dope you are without a validation, congratulations, or a celebration.



And they keep asking me where happiness can be found but I'm no longer trying to find happiness I just appreciate where I am and then happiness finds me.

Soyen | We Heart It


As long as we don't die this is gonna be one hell of a story

John Green


Whatever happens tomorrow, we've have today.

David Nicholls


You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want

s.e. hinton


What a marvelous feeling it would be, if we could say exactly how we felt. What a monumental victory. What a terrifying thought.

Akif Kichloo


Enjoy this chapter,

even with the characters you'd love to replace and the challenges you'd do anything to erase.

Your story is transforming each day into something incredible.

Tiffany Moule


Live in the uncertainties my dear. Invent little moments inside those maybes and grow there.

Akif Kichloo


"When you're born in a burning house you think the whole world is on fire. But it's not."

Richard Kadrey, Aloha from Hell


Even if the wait carries on another year, I will not get where I am going without first learning to be here.

Morgan Harper Nichols


There is this tender place between something and everything. That's where I see myself.

Someone's something

In the everything of their world.

Akif Kichloo


Your growth will make stagnant people feel uncomfortable.

Your boundaries will make toxic people feel uncomfortable.

Your authenticity will make masked people feel uncomfortable.

Your healing will make those who hurt you feel uncomfortable.

Paige Marie


Sometimes growth requires new company, new locations and new mindsets.

Billion Ladies Co.


Rest and be kind,

you don't have to prove anything.

Jack Kerouac | homebody club


At the end of the day, you have to be at peace when you know your intentions are good and your heart is pure.

Paige Marie


"I love that moment. When you're on a long car ride or listening to music, or reading, and you completely zone out. You forget your troubles, and everyone around you. You're focused on that one thing, and that one thing only. You're content, and everything seems peaceful."

The Personal Quotes


A few nice words can help a person more than you think.



You are not lazy, unmotivated or stuck. After years of living your life in survival mode. You are exhausted.

There is a difference.

Nakeia Homer


December, 27 2020

"Nobody ever figures out what life is all about. And it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough."



December, 28 2020

Find out what makes you kinder, what opens you up, and brings out the most loving, generous, and unafraid version of you. And go after those things as if nothing else matters.

George Saunders | bliss


December, 30 2020

I'm not tearing down my walls for anyone again you want to know what's inside?



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