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Writer's picture{alexys}

The Humanistic Perspective

strives to help people fulfill their potential and maximize their well-being.

Have you ever heard of the "Psychology concept - Six factor Model of Well-Being"?

From the studies of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, "where the goal of life isn't feeling good, but it is instead about living virtuously". Now what does that mean to you?

For me, its adaptation; accepting who YOU are & what you CAN do. Below I shall go into more detail from Carol Ryff's model on the matter.

  1. Self-Acceptance | Accepts good & bad qualities of self

  2. Autonomy | Evaluate self by personal standards

  3. Personal Growth | Transparent to continued development

  4. Environmental Mastery | Managing the surrounding opportunities

  5. Positive Relations with Others | Understands give and take of human relationships

  6. Purpose in Life | Feels there is meaning to present & past life

Now what do we do with it? Well, you apply it to your lifestyle. Embody the self-awaking, key- elements.

Sometimes when we first internalize information (what is essentially good for us, we don't take things like living in a global pandemic into consideration). Meanwhile trying to live with as much stability and equilibrium afloat, my question is, how do we even begin reaching that balance?

We take it step by step..

Ask yourself, before the pandemic, was healing from any trauma in our previous years any easier?

This is nothing more then a nuisance, a little road block. We're resilient in our OWN way. We create our own path no matter what we face.

Adapting to what is around us, developing habits that "get the job done" is the attitude & mindset to finish what we start for the long run.

This way of over looking your current situation to go where you're intended is essential for personal growth. Being honest with yourself enough to know what's working & less about what's causing you stay in your own comfort. I believe there was a saying..

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ― Roy T. Bennett

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